The Lady of Kalymnos, 3rd century BCE
"The Lady of Kalymnos" is a very well preserved ancient Greek bronze statue of a woman whose body is covered with a tunic and a chiton and a fringed himation, with a height of 1.98 meters.
The sculpture was found in the nets of a local fisherman ("It was accidentally found by A. Chatzantoniou, caught in his fishing nets, and handed over to the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities.")in the sea area between Pserimos and Kalymnos in 1994. 3rd century BCE, Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos
"It is not a work from Kalymnos, as it originates from a sunken ship that most likely transported it from Asia Minor."A headless bronze statue dating back to the Hellenistic period, weighing 300 kilograms and standing two meters tall, was recently caught by Turkish fishermen off the coast of Marmaris, near Halicarnassus.
Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos
The Archaeological Museum of Kalymnos, inaugurated in 2009, presents through its rich collection the history and the culture of the island from the Prehistoric period to the Post-Byzantine times. The most important exhibit is the so-called ''Lady of Kalymnos'', a bronze statue dating back to the Hellenistic period, which was found by a fisherman on the Sea of Kalymnos a few years ago.
Established: 2009
Address: Agia Triada quarter, 85200 KALYMNOS , DODEKANISSOS , GREECE
Tel.: +30 22430 23113
Opening hours:
Apr - Oct: Wed-Mon, 08:30-16:00
Art & culture
Periods of the exhibits
Byzantine period, AD 324-1453Middle Neolithic, 5600-5300 BCBronze Age, 3200-1050 BCAncient historical times, 1050 BC- AD 324Late Neolithic, 5300-4500 BCVenetian period in Crete, 1204-1669
Visiting Information
Temporarily closed
Byzantine and Post-Byzantine MuseumArchaeological Museum
Museum exhibits
Weapons / ArmourManuscriptsTools: StoneIronStatues: MarbleStatuettes - Figurines: ClayMarbleIconsInscriptionsReliefsPotteryCoinsJewellery: GoldenGrave offerings