
Sosthenes of Macedonia (4th century BC - 277 BC)

Sosthenes (d. 277 BC), was a Macedonian soldier of noble birth who, although not related by blood to any royal house, gained control of the state during the turbulent period that followed the Gallic invasion of Greece in 279 BC It is common for his name to be included in the king lists of chroniclers, however it is uncertain whether he formally adopted the title.

After the death of Ptolemy Keraunos and the short-lived reign of his brother, Meleager of the Ptolemies, Antipater Etesias, nephew of Cassander, was placed on the throne. However, circumstances demanded that the army be led by capable and efficient hands, and Antipater was soon found inadequate. After only 45 days, the leadership of the army was assumed on his own initiative by Sosthenes, who asked the soldiers to swear allegiance to him as general and not as king.

At first his efforts were crowned with success: he forced the Gauls, who were under Volgios, to defeat, and for a time the danger was removed from the kingdom. However, a new invasion followed under Brennus, which forced Sosthenes to close his troops in the various fortresses. Brennus, however, after plundering the lands of Macedonia, turned his arms against southern Greece. Macedonia regained its freedom and Sosthenes held the administration for a period of two years until his death, although the information we have about this period is confused.

Antipatrides Dynasty Family

Eusebius, "Chronicle" (English)
Justin, "Compendium of the Philippians of Pompey Trogus" (Latin, English, French)
Johann Gustav Droysen (Drousen): Geschichte des Hellenismus, 1836-1843 (translated by Renou Apostolidis as History of the Successors of Alexander the Great, Eleftherotypia, 1993, vol. II p. 674, 677, 685 with the relevant notes).
Konstantinos Paparrigopoulos: History of the Greek Nation, 1860-1872, book VII, chapter A, paragraph 29.
