
Saint Eutychius, Bishop of Melitene, May 28

Ὡς εὐτυχῶς σὺ εὐτύχησας τρισμάκαρ!
Θείας τετευχώς, Εὐτυχές, κληρουχίας,
Εἰκάδι ὀγδοάτῃ Εὐτυχέα ἔνθεν ἄειραν.
It is unknown where the Holy Hieromartyr Eutychios came from and when he worked. He became Bishop of Melitini, but because of his Christian activities he was arrested, he refused to sacrifice to idols, and after many tortures he threw himself into the water, where he met a martyr's death.

Sophronios Eustratiadis in his Hagiologia claims that it is wrongly spelled Eutychis and indeed bishop of Melitini and that the correct one is Eutychis martyr and not bishop.

Functional texts
Ἦhos d'. You are lifted up on the Cross.
Blessed are the ideals of virtue, partaker of the eukliness of the Martyrs, Glorious Holy Martyr, for you have served our God purely, you have blessed your holy robe; r of our souls.

Heteron Apolytikion
Ἦhos d'.
And partaker of manners, and successor of thrones, being born of the Apostles, in deed you were divinely inspired, in theory ascended; therefore the word of the truth of the upright, and in the faith that was soaked to the blood, Hieromartyr Eutychies; Ambassador of Christ to God, may our souls be saved.

Ἦhos b'. Of your blood.
Of the Church firmly in charge, over her the soul of the Father; which now aparegliton you guard, of piety to the dogmasin Hosea, for this is a happy foundation.

Proclamation of the happiness of the truth, to those in ignorance, priest of money, of martyrdom, riches of eucleia, ὅ Eutyches épevis, struggling.
