
The Institutio Graecae Grammatices Compendiaria, 1597

Αυτή η ελληνική γραμματική με τίτλο The Institutio Graecae Grammatices Compendiaria, που συντάχθηκε από τον λόγιο και ιστορικό Γουίλιαμ Κάμντεν (1551-1623), ο οποίος έγινε διευθυντής του Σχολείου του Γουέστμινστερ (Λονδίνο, Αγγλία) το 1597, χρησιμοποιήθηκε από τους μαθητές για 50 χρόνια.

This Greek grammar entitled The Institutio Graecae Grammatices Compendiaria, compiled by the scholar and historian William Camden (1551-1623), who became headmaster of Westminster School (London, England) in 1597, was used by the students for 50 years.

The desire for education was strong in the Tudor period and printers and booksellers responded by producing textbooks and grammars to satisfy demand. Among the most influential texts was the grammar Doctrinale published in 1490, and an English-Latin dictionary for 'humble grammarians and boys' to use as 'a mirror, and find freely and immediately the common words which belong to the Latin tongue.' Other important scholastic manuals were printed, and this Greek grammar entitled The Institutio Graecae Grammatices Compendiaria, compiled by the scholar and historian William Camden (1551-1623), who became headmaster of Westminster School in 1597, was used by the students for 50 years.
