
Cavafy Archive

Cavafy Archive
The Onassis Foundation, once again acknowledging the importance of openness, accessibility, and the dissemination of C. P. Cavafy's work, is investing in creating the new Cavafy Archive space in the heart of Athens. This dedicated space will house the poet's literary and personal archives, encompassing 966 books from his personal library, alongside a comprehensive collection of documents and artworks inspired by his legacy. It is yet another international cultural heritage hub that welcomes all city residents, researchers, and global visitors.

Cavafy Archive
Frynichou 16B, Plaka, 10558

Working hours: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday, 11:00-18:00
Free entrance
Info: +30 210 3713 000

All visits to the Cavafy Archive for research purposes are scheduled upon submitting a request on this contact form.

The mission of the Cavafy Archive is to provide free and open access to researchers as well as the wider public, and to promote Cavafy’s work and the international character of his poetry through the digitisation and complete re-documentation of the archive’s materials.
C. P. Cavafy collected and archived his work on a systematic basis, hence creating a unique literary and personal archive. The Cavafy Archive consists of manuscripts of poems, hand-compiled printed editions, prose literary works, articles, studies and notes by the poet. The digital collection invites you to discover all of the above, along with C. P. Cavafy’s personal archive rich in correspondence, texts, and photographs.

The Onassis Foundation acquired the Cavafy archive at the end of 2012, thus enriching the collections of the Onassis Library, which hosts rare publications and a cultural heritage of seven centuries, safeguarding its preservation in Greece and preventing its potential fragmentation.
